• We are a multimedia company dedicated to applying the history of Western thought to contemporary culture. We offer political, cultural and theological analysis and commentary that is conservative, academic, and informed by Christian faith.

  • We believe our vision is somewhat unique: a synthesis of right-of-center politics and non-Reformed, academic theology. This combination will allow us to offer an alternative to both critical theory and fundamentalist theology, each of which currently enjoys a good degree of popularity in American culture. 

  • We advocate for a Christian faith that combines the best of  Western and Eastern theology, as well as the best of ancient and modern thought. We reject what is commonly referred to as "fundamentalism," and believe it is harmful to Christianity in America and beyond. We confess the Nicene Creed, and believe it to be the best summation of the Christian faith that is recognized in various Christian traditions all over the world. Our goal is to articulate an intellectually honest faith that both challenges and transforms the individual. 

  • We believe that culture and politics are inextricably intertwined. Conservatives have long given up far too much ground in what are generally considered "culture war issues." It is our goal to help conservatives win cultural battles by engaging with the Left on ethical, political and theological grounds.